If you have something that requires a lot of chopping and don't think you'll have time in the morning, do all the prep work the night before and put everything in the fridge. In the morning, just dump it all into the pot!
Fruit of the Spirit is a ministry at Epiphany Baptist Church in Springfield, TN. The ministry purpose is to encourage women to challenge themselves in the kitchen and go beyond the Hamburger Helper! We help each other learn how to be good stewards of our finances by hunting sales and matching coupons. After all, we're all on a budget!
Tuesday, September 7, is sauce night. Remember to use How to Pair Pasta with Sauce as a guide and bring a homemade sauce or gravy, as well as a cooperative pasta, rice, or something else that you can cover the sauce in. I never knew that certain sauces only pair well with certain pastas... using that article will help you in all of your cooking endeavors where pasta is the star of the show!
I will provide plates with separators so your sauces don't touch. ;)
My recipe is as follows:
Tzatziki Sauce
8 ounces Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
3 cloves pressed garlic
In a mixing bowl, combine the yogurt, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, dill and garlic.
Blend thoroughly and serve.
What are you bringing?
April 5: Workshop: Bagel Pizzas (everyone brings ingredients and we build our own bagel pizzas and bake them together)
April 19: Seasoning Blend Exchange (everyone makes a seasoning blend to give away—everyone goes home with a spice rack!)
May 3: Spring Fruits & Vegetables (Find a recipe using a spring harvest fruit or veggie)
May 17: Salad (Salads made from pasta, rice, greens, etc)
June 7: Marinades (homemade marinades—bring a food item that has been prepared in the marinade)
June 21: Russian Foods (Recipes native to Russia)
July 5: Summer Fruits & Vegetables (Find a recipe using a summer harvest fruit or veggie)
July 19: Workshop: Shish Kabobs (everyone brings ingredients and we build our own kabobs and grill them together)
August 2: Persian Foods (Recipes native to Persia)
August 16: 101 Things To Do with Ramen Noodles J
September 6: EatingWell.com (Must find a recipe from this healthy site)
September 20: EatingWell.com (Must find a recipe from this healthy site)
October 4: Workshop: Ice Cream Sundaes (everyone brings ingredients and we build our own sundaes together)
October 18: Halloween-themed Foods (Recipes with goofy Halloweeny names)
November 1: Comfort Foods (Foods that make us feel at home)
November 15: Thanksgiving Sides & Desserts (Gobble, Gobble)
December 6: Christmas Party (Dirty Santa)